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in the

Join Shaun Harper, one of the world’s leading racial equity experts, and Zoom’s Chief Diversity Officer Damien Hooper-Campbell, for a multi-part series focused on practical approaches to improving and advancing racial equity, diversity, and inclusion in organizations.

Episode 9
Communicating Company Commitment to Racial Justice
It is essential to consistently and effectively communicate to employees that racial equity in the workplace is a priority. And credibly articulating this commitment to diverse customers, clients, and communities is also good for business.
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Episode 8
Evaluating and Assessing Racial Equity in the Workplace
Many leaders erroneously presume their companies are equitable and inclusive. We will introduce approaches to analyzing racial equity through quantitative data sources as well as qualitative methods for assessing racial realities in the workplace.
Please use this art as a Zoom Background Only.

Episode 7
Resolving Racial Tensions at Work
Racial conflicts between employees can sometimes occur in the workplace and if mishandled, these situations can become explosive. Learn more about the undercurrents of racial tensions and methods for productively resolving these challenges.

Episode 6
Supporting and Partnering with Employee Networks/Resource Groups
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and similar networks are growing, but member engagement is often limited to occasional social gatherings. Here, we will emphasize how companies can better support ERGs and more fully realize the value they can add to companies.

Episode 5
Holding Managers Accountable for Diversity and Inclusion Goals
Many companies proudly articulate their commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and spend time developing EDI goals. In this session, we’ll share tactics to empower managers and evaluate their contributions to the advancement of these goals.

Episode 4
Advancing Employees of Color to Leadership Roles in Companies
Executives and managers often play influential roles in facilitating the advancement of team members to higher-level positions in organizations. Learn equitable approaches to investing in the career ascension of employees of color.

Episode 3
Recruiting and Hiring Professionals of Color
Reliance on the same recruitment strategies year after year often yields the same outcome: stagnation. Strategic, innovative methods for attracting more diverse candidate pools and ultimately hiring greater numbers of professionals of color will be presented.

Episode 1
Understanding Your Employees’ Experiences with Racism
Learn how encounters with various forms of racism—both inside and outside of the workplace—affects employee wellness, experiences, productivity, and turnover. Several examples, ranging from racial microaggressions to overt forms of racism, will be explored.

Damien Hooper-Campbell

Shaun Harper

Shaun Harper is a tenured professor in the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, founder and executive director of the USC Race and Equity Center. He is an expert on racial, gender, and LGBT issues. Harper has consulted with more than 250 businesses and institutions on strategies related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. He has published 13 books and over 100 academic publications. His research has been cited in more than 14,000 published studies. Harper spent a decade at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a tenured professor.
Damien Hooper-Campbell is Zoom's first Chief Diversity Officer. He brings over 15 years of deep expertise in diversity and inclusion strategy, community engagement and "perspective brokering" and has led this work inside of organizations including Goldman Sachs, Harvard Business School, Google, Uber and eBay.

Lisa Diane Wedgeworth
Lisa Diane Wedgeworth is an interdisciplinary artist whose large-scale abstract paintings are informed by memory and employ energetic mark-making to interpret psychological and emotional energies.

Andrew Grey
Andrew Gray is a painter and designer in Baltimore, Maryland. His work focuses on ideas of humanity, specifically the differences that make us all relatable. His work functions as a visual representation of equality and social justice.
This is paid content on behalf of our sponsor. TIME editorial staff was not involved in its creation or productions.